Urban Design | UNSW 2010
Mix Use Development Randwick racecourse // Sydney
Instructors: James Weirick & David Chesterman
Studio Program: Investigate the area of UNSW campus
Explore the Randwick Racecourse in detail
Design a new development proposal for this precinct
Interface | IST 2006
From Baixa to the Castle // Lisbon
Instructors: Manuel Salgado & Carlos Cruz
Studio Program: Investigate the historic centre of Lisbon
Propose an intervention to rehabilitate the area from Baixo to the Castle
Develop the idea from Planning to detail scale
Museum| Valle Giullia 2005
The Museum of Numbers // Rome
Instructors: Manfredi Nicoletti
Studio Program: Investigate the concept of 'numbers'
Design a structure to serve as a museum
Project awarded by Professor Nicoletti with 30+ out of 30.
New Development of office studios| IST 2004
Architectural Studio // Restelo
Instructors: Barreiros Ferreira & Carvalho Araujo
Studio Program: Investigate the Restelo suburb
Design a planning proposal for the most neglected block
Develop one of the proposed buildings